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Scholarship Guideline
Applicants must be descents of students, faculty or staff of the former College of Emporia.
Application must be postmarked by April 1.
There will be a minimum of four (4) scholarships awarded each year, $2,000.00 each.
These scholarships are for one (1) year only. All applicants may apply each year.
Each recipient of the College of Emporia Alumni Scholarship is only eligible to receive the scholarship two (2) times.
The applicants will be notified before June 1 whether or not they have received a general scholarship from the College of Emporia Alumni.
If the applicant is attending Emporia State University or Sterling College, each of these schools also has an endowed College of Emporia Scholarship Fund to which the applicant may apply. Applicants can receive a scholarship from either school plus a general scholarship from the C of E Alumni.
If you are a recipient of a general scholarship, it will be sent directly to the business office of the school you are attending before August 15. The scholarship committee must have a letter of acceptance, the address of the school, and your student ID number before we mail out the scholarship money. As an alternative, you may elect to deposit your scholarship money in a "529 Educational Fund", which you must establish.
These guidelines may be changed during a Board of Directors meeting, by a majority vote of those board members present.
Scholarship recipients will receive the C of E Newsletter for one year.
Approved by the C of E Board of Directors 7/19/2014
Past Scholarship Recipients
Jaxon Klein
Grace Ann Paolo
Abigail Stewart
Clair Boucher​
Julia McMillan
Abigail Steward
Ashley Atkinson​
Jake Jordan
Madison Dehlinger
Alicia Taylor
Morgan Taylor​
Jack Acomb
Madison Dehlinger
Emily Jasnoski
Catherine McMillan
Melena Schoeni
Amy Wright
Jarrett Zeliff
Randal Karr
Brett King
Morgan Lenigan
Michael Majors
Andrew Roberts
Ian Whitsitt​
Jennifer Calderwood
Kaleigh Cox
Anna Dowling
Mallory Howland
Maryn Robson
Zack Robson
Stephanie Schroeder
William Robson
Connor Twombly
Emily Crane
Olivia Coulson
Dylan Ireland
Tayton Trent​
Connor Twombly
Chynna Walters
Madeline Wilber
Rachel Schroeder
Rachel Turner
Kajsa Affolter​
Scott Betcher
Carli Bowman
Cassidy Fowles
Rebecca Gotti
Cassity Mitchell
Terra Towne​
Tim Ellis
Tyler White
Whitney Mitchell
Emily Schroeder​
Erin Picolet
Ryan Hanlon
Amanda Tindell
Alicia Fox
Corinne Schoeni
Grace Ann Paolo
Ashley Atkinson
Matthew Mandel​
Nicolas Paolo
Jaxon Paige
Kayleigh Casey
Molly McClimans
Molly Ellis
Jordan Ast
Emily Wilbur
Sophia Gibson
Morgan Taylor
Evan Hess
Jake Jordan​
Alexa Ast
Kallie Gibson
Taylor Haddad
Emily Jasnoski
Maryn Robson
Mitchell Taylor​
Jennifer Calderwood
Kaleigh Cox
Anna Dowling
Mallory Howland
Maryn Robson
Zack Robson​
Jennifer Calderwood
Anna Dowling
Kendra Howland
James Mitchell
William Robson
Andrew Wilbur
Johanna Peterson
Jerilyn Whitsitt
Chyanna Prenzler
William Bostic
Erin France
Amanda Iglasias​
Virginia Robertson
Chadron Patton
Joel Bland
Isaac Twombly
Rebecca Gotti​
Cassity Mitchell
Rebecca Sandbothe
Molly Murphy
Erin Picolet​
Joe Runkle
Kerri Courtney
Rebecca Gotti
Erin Picolet​